How Technology Is Making Ageing Easier

The world today relies a lot on technology, so much so that anyone who is not up to date with the current trends might find it hard to navigate the modern world safely. 

Technological advances have been responsible for so many innovations that are designed to make life easier and enjoyable. However, most people aged 50 and above usually have a hard time grasping the basic knowledge of gadgets because they were not brought up during the technological age. 

For most seniors, learning how to use the new seemingly sophisticated technology is a daunting task, and so they refuse to try at all. 

Efforts are now being made to integrate the aged with technology that will benefit them and make their lives easier. As the years go by, more and more gadgets are being produced with the sole purpose of helping the elderly to remain active, safe and mobile. 

The 21st century has brought about the development of devices that are explicitly tailored to aiding the elderly. Some of these are listed below:


Smartphones are small mobile devices that can carry out a lot of functions. Due to the complex nature of their operating system, most seniors find it hard to utilize their various features, thereby missing out on the benefits that Smartphones provide. 

Nowadays, smartphones geared towards the aged are being produced with utilities like large keypads and bright screens for those with poor eyesight and

voice recognition for making calls, sending text and emails and placing orders.

Smartphones allow easy communication with loved ones and those in the medical profession should assistance be required. They can be with the user at all times due to their portability, giving peace of mind to the owner and their loved ones.


Applications are programs compressed into mobile devices like smartphones, tablets and laptops. They perform a large variety of functions, with most of them making use of internet connectivity. 

Apps that are very useful for the elderly have now being created, including; 

  • Skype: This app is used for video calls, offering audio, text and video features. Seniors can easily see and speak to their loved ones who are not in their vicinity.
  • Ride-sharing apps: Programs like Lyft and Uber are beneficial for the aged as it makes it easier for them to go out with ease, attend appointments, all at the touch of a button.

Emergency devices 

The elderly are very susceptible to falls and injuries, which usually makes it hard for them to live without continuous assistance. 

However, the use of emergency devices has made it possible for aged people to live on their own without complications. There are also emergency systems that alert caregivers and healthcare providers when their wards take a fall or are in danger. 

These devices are especially good for the elderly person who is still at home living by themselves. They allow independence whilst also providing help should it be required.

Mobility devices

Mobility is a real issue for most of the elderly as they are very vulnerable to immobilizing diseases like arthritis and osteoporosis, which makes it hard for them to walk or stand for an extended period. 

Mobility devices like scooters, electric wheelchairs and stairlifts are technology products that make movement easy and comfortable with minimal risk of danger. They allow the elderly person a little bit of freedom. In our local area, we see a few electric scooters about town. 

Their occupants may be picking up a loaf of bread and some milk or on other occasions they may be catching up with friends for a coffee. Either way, they are able to enjoy a bit of independence still.

Health monitors

These are devices that keep track of vital signs, location, medication intake and diet. They are usually connected to a computer that automatically uploads this information to the health professionals.

The data makes it easier for them to keep track of their patients’ health without having to see them physically. So it works well for both the individual and those caring for their medical needs.

Apart from knowledge, financial constraints also limit the extent to which most seniors have access to helpful technologies. Due to this obstacle, there is funding in place in Australia that assists the elderly with a disability to access technology that can help them be more independent. 

This funding can be accessed through approved NDIS assistive technology providers. While some insurance plans cover accidents and injuries, not all will cover disabilities. This is where support from NDIS can be incredibly helpful.

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