Three Fun Things To Do With An Old iPhone

If you have an old iPhone in the drawer doing nothing, here are some fun ways for you to get it out and put it to use again.

Turn it into a media centre

Few people realise that even an old iPhone can be turned into a media centre. Once set up you can store some movies and TV episodes on it, and stream that content to any screen that you set up on your home entertainment network.

If you have an older iPhone, you can do this using Twonky Mobile. With newer versions there is a long list of apps you could use. Just choose one and go through the set up process. It should not take you more than half an hour to do so. Yes iphone app developer Northampton can create some apps that furnish you the perfect spikes that assist you to setup your older phone.

Make a digital picture frame

If you want a way to show off your photos, turning your iPhone into a simple digital picture frame is easy. All you need to do is to download the Digital Photo Frame App from and maybe buy a simple stand to for your phone.

Turn it into a fitness tracker

For anyone who is interested in getting fit or losing weight an old iPhone can be invaluable. It is handy to have a dedicated phone to take with you to count calories and steps while you workout.

You can load your favourite workout videos and music onto the phone along with your favourite diet-tracking app. That way you have everything you need to help you to achieve your fitness goals in one place.

So, if you have a broken iPhone why not repair it and put it to use. It does not matter where you live, these days, getting a phone repaired is easy.

Whether you need iPhone repair in Preston or London there will be a firm that covers your area. Many repairers now use low cost couriers. They pick up your devices and return them to you once they are repaired, so are able to offer their service across the country.

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