Top 5 Tech Trends Set To Shape 2015

As 2014 fades to a distant memory the tech world is already looking ahead and anticipating what’s in store for 2015. If you pride yourself on keeping up to date with all the latest tech news read on for an insider’s guide to five of 2015’s key tech trends. 

The data is drawn from information revealed at last October’s Gartner Symposium/ITxpo which looked at the top industry trends set to shape the contemporary technology market. According to David Cearley, Gartner vice president, the top trends focus on three major themes – an assimilation of the real and virtual worlds, the dawn of ‘everywhere’ intelligence and a technology response to the impact of the digital business shift.

“We have identified the top 10 technology trends that organizations cannot afford to ignore in their strategic planning processes,” he explains. “This does not necessarily mean adoption and investment in all of the trends at the same rate, but companies should look to make deliberate decisions about them during the next two years.”

Below are five of our favourites…

Cloud technology will continue to front contemporary tech trends 

Cloud data centre technology reigned supreme in 2014 and is guaranteed to remain at the forefront of 2015’s new developments. The technology will impact everything from personal storage to corporate data. According to Cearley, “cloud is the new style of elastically scalable, self-service computing, and both internal applications and external applications will be built on this new style.”

Smart machines will emerge as the technology of tomorrow

Using the most sophisticated technology known to mankind 2015 will see engineers develop ultra-intelligent machines embedded with advanced algorithms. This will equip them with the capacity to develop an understanding of their environments, self-learn and act independently.

Computers will penetrate every aspect of day-to-day life 

The use of mobile devices will continue to flourish, with Gartner analysts predicting that this will soon lead to computers infiltrating every aspect of day to day life. This can already be seen in revolutions such as wearable technology.

3D printing will become the norm 

Gartner’s tech experts predict that the global market for 3D printers is set to skyrocket by 98% in 2015, and double again in the following year! From clothing and kitchenware to architecture and automobiles, 3D printing will be used in almost every sector.

There will be anincreased reliance on analytics

In 2015 analytics will underpin technological operations carried out in almost every sector. This is largely due to the need to manage the huge amount of data gathered by modern devices. Cearley explains, “Organizations need to manage how best to filter the huge amounts of data coming from the IoT, social media and wearable devices, and then deliver exactly the right information to the right person, at the right time. Analytics will become deeply, but invisibly embedded everywhere.”

Other trends include Context-Rich Systems, Smart Machines, Software-Defined Applications and Infrastructure, Web-Scale IT and Risk-Based Security and Self-Protection.

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