Anonymized Email Addresses Were Sugested As An Alternative After Domain Privacy

The DNS policy, despite its intention to protect vulnerable information, has led to serious ramifications. The new rules and regulation have offered more anonymity to hackers and people who commit cyber-crimes. Now, people who wish to contact a domain owner or a host may do so with an anonymous email address. This anonymous email is what the host sees. Providing this level of anonymity to any internet user presents a serious threat to any site or online entity.

What is Affected Under the New Regulation Policy?

Details pertaining to hostname, email addresses, and other forms of identification will be removed from the WHOIS database. Under the restrictions of these new policies, more companies are concerned about domain name database privacy. It is still possible, however, for law enforcement officials to bypass the anonymity set by the DNS. For the time being, the rules set by the DNS only apply to European nations, however, there is a possibility that the DNS could be reinforced worldwide.

The intent of the WHOIS database is to protect sensitive online information in its database. For example, domain names are accessible to everyone on the internet. To prevent anyone from viewing vulnerable information, WHOIS displays the respective company’s information as opposed to sensitive information. WHOIS is like a massive vault for storing personal digital data. The DNS, in several ways, limits the services of WHOIS. The DNS is like a security overdrive. It sets very tight restrictions and limitations on internet privacy. However, these tighter restrictions are at the expense of other data protection services.

Anonymized email address makes it easier for events like phishing scams to occur. A third party can easily get away with collecting valuable information and it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to track them down without a digital address of some sort. When considering that the domain names are removed from the WHOIS database, this further exaggerates the issue.

This is especially concerning to business, where cyber-crimes can yield a higher victim turnover rate if employees are not properly trained for this kind of issue. Therefore, it is important that companies train their employees under the new regulations set by the DNS. Until further revisions of the policy are made, if this is ever the case, the domain name database privacy of both individuals and companies will be more vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

What to do to Protect Privacy?

For businesses, it is important to have an internal policy that limits the possibility of a cyber-crime. Having requirements for employees to set strong passwords can help because this makes it more difficult more hacker to break into a network. Staying up to date on the latest scams is important too. Hackers are constantly updating their methods, much in the same way businesses are updating their protocols against potential hacks. It’s important to have computers and other devices up to date. Many software updates are implemented with better security and sometimes come with anti-virus programs.

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