Five Apps Which Will Improve The Productivity Of Small Businesses

If you’re a small business owner, you should know that using high-tech apps which are tailor-made for small businesses will help you to boost productivity in no time flat. Today, we want to share information about five exceptional apps that smart and savvy small business owners rely on! When you use these apps regularly, you’ll be able to get more done faster. You’ll find that efficiency goes up and this is good news!


This impressive app helps small business owners to communicate effectively with their teams, whether those teams are large or small. The Slack platform is very simple to use and understand. When you choose the Slack app and get your team members to use it, too, you’ll all access an array of channels which help you to organize your chats in “message forum” format. Also, the app includes direct messaging, as well as notifications, video calling, archiving and file sharing. If you’re tired of wasting a lot of time on email and you want the capacity to communicate with team members immediately, you’ll love Slack!


This app is ideal for entrepreneurs who have lost business cards in the past. When you choose the CamCard app and use it regularly, you’ll never misplace business cards again. This app for business cards will permit you to capture information from contacts right away. The app photographs business cards, reads information about contacts and then stores the data on your mobile device, where it’s just so simple to access!


This app will store every password, as well as every credit card and PIN number. It’s designed to save users time while they’re on the Internet. With this app, the passwords will be protected via a Master Password. You will be the only one who knows that password. When you use 1Password, you’ll find that you’re able to sign into apps which are supported in just a single tap, as long as you’re using an iPhone.


This app makes effective project management easier. It’s newest version is called Basecamp 3 and it comes with a host of updates which make Basecamp even more practical and impressive. For example, a new feature called Campfires makes it simple to enjoy group chats. As well, this app will allow for efficient scheduling of milestones and deadlines. Another exciting facet of this application is its reports feature, which gives users the capacity to check in on activities by the team and then figure out which tasks need to be taken care of soon.


Freedom is an app which improves focus. It gets rid of annoying distractions. When you use it, you’ll have the power to block websites, as well as online app content and email, for a time frame that you determine via a virtual private network system which is limited. You may use this app on iPhone, iPad, Windows and Mac.

Now that you know five apps which will improve the productivity of small businesses, why not try one or all of them today?

About the Author

Morris Edwards is a content writer at, he writes different topics like What Are the Best Apps for Tracking Business Expenses?and The Most Innovative Economy In Asia: Singapore and all topics related to Singapore Business, if you are interested about Singapore Company Registration visit our website.

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