How Casual Gaming is Differ from Other Gaming

With the rise of social media platforms like the Facebook and others, online games have also gained popularity and attracted more revenue. Most of the games available over such platforms are termed under the category of casual games, but the gaming industry is ruled by the hardcore games available across different platforms. So, the main question that arises in this regard is whether casual gaming holds a potential to over power hardcore gaming industry.


Hardcore games are defined as those that appear to be characterised in a well manner involving a high level of gaming literacy. This is necessary for a hardcore gamer to enjoy playing such a game, otherwise one would find the game non interesting. With a high grade of engagement, complex interactions and a significant learning curve, these games add a thrill of gaming to the player.

Casual games, on the other hand, are available for those players, who don’t have a high literacy of games. A player can be a novice also, who can start playing the game even without going thoroughly through the instructions and can make out the requirements of the game easily by playing it. Characterized with small sessions of gaming, these games are available for all types of gamers belonging to all the age groups.

The Difference

These two gaming styles present a completely different scenario to the players. While thinking about casual gaming, the first names that strike the mind are card games, brain & puzzle games and some arcade games also. These games can be played with a simple gaming strategy, just for fun and entertainment, like the game of Roulette can be played in an online casino with a simple to understand and implement Roulette Strategy. Casual games, according to their definition need to be straightforward and simple, which are considered as a great source of killing time, but not all the time.

Hardcore games, on the other hand involve a higher level of difficulty that is made with the use of complex themes and strong graphics. These games are meant to bind a player to the game by providing a high level of interest and driving his/her dedication towards the game.

Future of Casual Gaming

The casual gaming industry underwent a recent study that revealed a report on the growth made by this sector in the gaming industry and expectations for the future. With an incredibly vast target audience involving many types of nationalities, the casual gaming sector has attracted above 200 million gamers from around the world. The future of this gaming type is expected to be at a mark of $8.5 billion by the next year, 2014. Their industry is expanding more as compared to the hardcore gaming industry due to the development and release of a great number of casual games over the internet. Apart from desktop based systems, these games are also available for mobile devices as well including devices based on Android, windows, iOS and other operating systems like the roulette strategy games. However, hardcore games are not growing with the same pace, but the enjoyment and the thrill of gaming provided by a hardcore game is expected to keep this gaming style in competition.

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