The Rise And Rise Of Touchscreen Technology

It is no embellishment to say touchscreen technology has completely changed the way people in the developed world use computerised systems these days. Indeed, it could be argued that touch screens have revolutionised the way computerised devices are used to almost the same extent as the introduction of the computer mouse did way back in the 1980s.

So why is this? What is it about touchscreen technology that has caused this meteoric rise in popularity?

Well, the main reason touchscreen PCs and monitors have become so favoured is that they provide users with unrivalled speed and efficiency. To be sure, the supremely swift and economic way that a touch screen PC can be used enables users to control their programs and applications in a manner which is far more intuitive than that afforded by traditional mouse and keyboard systems. In fact, many people draw the parallel that touch screen monitors allow those using them to interact with the files and applications operating on a device as if they were actual, physical objects. This helps to reinforce the widely held view that touch screen applications are not only ideal options for people who want to benefit from using fast, efficient computer operations; they are also the perfect choice for individuals who know little or nothing about using computerised systems.

It is these twin capabilities – the capability to increase efficiency and the capability to easily instruct – which have helped to make touchscreen technology such an incredibly beneficial addition to industries and organisations of all kinds.

Efficient operations

In order to be competitive and relevant in today’s increasingly mercenary marketplace, workplaces need to do everything they can to ensure their operations run as efficiently as possible. Touchscreens can be invaluable in this respect as they enable employees to enjoy greater digital dexterity when utilising programs and functions, thereby empowering them to work in a far more efficient manner. In addition, the fact that touchscreens can be used to great effect as POS (Point Of Sale) units, information points and service kiosks can help business organisations involved in customer facing industries to deliver a better overall service. Without doubt, placing proxy customer service options of this kind in suitable locations, such as station concourses, retail parks and pedestrianised shopping areas, can help to improve customers’ commercial experiences no end.

Easy instruction

When it comes to instructing, no industry sector benefits more from using touchscreen technology than schools. Certainly, pupils in both primary and secondary schools have a natural affinity to learn through physical investigation so controlling and interacting computer applications by using only their hands and a screen is far more appealing to them than listening to a teacher drone on and writing down what they hear. It is a fact that touch screen PCs and monitors have been a big hit in schools all across the UK, so much so that many teachers and education experts directly relate a resurgence in computer-related learning to their presence.

About the author – Bo Heamyan blogs regularly about personal computing and has written extensively about the merits of touchscreen technology for various websites, including

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